
Epic Failure: Basic Reading...

A reminder to stay in school...errr wait...

In my absence: A rhetorical analogy...

In my absence from this blog I've made several realizations and life has taken me in several different directions yet my feet are still planted firmly in the same place...I regret that I've not the time or perhaps lack the motivation to post as obsessively as I did previously...I am left to wonder what has changed so much that I no longer have the voracity I once had for blogging...This is not, by the way, to say that I have abandoned my efforts - just rearranging some things in the house of that which is my life...Being a multi-faceted; multi-talented individual bears much confusion...It makes you unsure of yourself because there are so many things you could be (or are) doing, that you can't possibly be excelling in (or completing) any of them...When I pour myself wholeheartedly into my writing, or my blogging, or my photography; most certainly there is another thing in my life suffering from a lack of attention...ADD?...Perhaps...Bad time management...More than likely, yes...But can any one of these things be blamed as the sole reason I am unable to succeed in doing all of these things simultaneously?...No...I find that I am such an emotionally driven person that my projects and interests are almost always based on a dramatic event that has happened in my life; catapulting me into the abyss of that which is my art...For instance, during my most recent heartbreak, in a effort to reduce the amount of thoughts dedicated to my loss, I became an obsessive compulsive blogger...As a direct result of my love of the nightlife and photos on Last Night's Party
and The Sartorialst
, I decided to resurrect my photography skills and led a full on assault with my lens...When I get frustrated and my mind fills with an unreasonable amount of words and theories, I write ravenously...When I have a combination of all of these things going on, I sit still and do nothing...Hence this moment...Head filled with the entrails of carcassed thoughts left behind yet holding on to some hope of revival...Heart memorialized in an urn of things I'm too afraid to say for fear of losing even the minute connection I have...And wanting to portray all of this through my art but unsure of where to start...And even as I write this, I realize I never had these problems when I was truly happy...With him...

Stay tuned...BeautiFoul™ will be back in full effect in the blink of an eye...


Five Minute Poetry/Word of the Day: Denigrate...

I love writing, and I've been on hiatus from everything AGAIN lately, but today my writing peaked and I am happy to present a new piece...Alliterative in nature and rather alluring...

denigrate \DEN-i-greyt\,
verb:to attack the character or reputation of; defame

I'm putting on my armor today as I feel the onset of an amorous assault

I assume I've a reason to assimilate to the asymmetry the asinine associations I've assumed

But today I'll bear the battle-axe of banishment during the funeral of my bereavement

And I swear I'll slay many slanderous soldiers with this sword

For fornicating fastidiously on the fulcrum of my fragile fort

I denounce the denigration directed distortedly, distracting me

And deny soldiers, surreptitiously daunting their deeds

Armor arduously aroused