
Word of the Day: Expeditious

This word has been revealing itself to me constantly via television, email, radio and text message for the past three days...And this morning, my 'Word of the Day' email from Dictionary.com is 'expeditious'...I'm really not sure what the hell I'm supposed to do expeditiously, but for now, I'll interpret through a literary piece dedicated to the word...

expeditious \ek-spuh-DISH-uhs\, adjective:
Characterized by or acting with speed and efficiency.

I've been meaning to expound upon some things lately...Mostly myself...More morose than most, I've been meticulously meandering through my mentality...Making calculated, non-copulatory, callous criticisms of my'self' to try to get out of the confines of this conundrum of self-cauterization...Somehow, I slowly sever my severely solemn, sullen solitude with the serrated knife-edge of serenity...And amazingly, I've accomplished this all while remaining arduously yet acrimoniously allegiant to my amative and altruistic nature...I am an exponentially existential example of how a person can expeditiously extract excrement of mental warfare and exonerate emotions to be overt to life...

I swear to you, I've got a mental block...I've been writing pure shit, and honestly I'm pretty frustrated...Everything I write is a depressing chasm in both time and my mental capacity...Never quite a reflection of who I am or what I'm thinking or feeling at the time...And yet, it's all I seem to be able to write...And not the good kind...It's all been just horrible...I do apologize for subjecting whosoever reads this trianwreck of a literary piece...I am reading and drawing more, hoping to gain some sort of creative inspiration...Until then, look for more crap by Aja on BeautiFoul™...*sigh*


1 comment:

Anastácio Soberbo said...

Hello, I like the blog.
Sorry not write more, but my English is bad writing.
A hug from Portugal