
Wonder woman would most DEF be jealous...

Ok, so ya'll know I'm all about the futuristic watches, and in my quest for the latest and greatest in time pieces to make you fly as you wanna be, I came across this sexy bitch...It's called the Luna Watch and it's made of crystal, stainless steel and some sort of expensive ass garnet called 'Spessartite' (I dunno and don't you dare ask, I ain't no gemologist and I ain't tryna be neither...gimme diamonds, I know the heck outta them though). At first they just appear to be a pair of fly ass bangles; to tell time, you just touch the two contact points (a la Wonderwoman, hence why she'd be jealous) and time seems to magically float inside the crystal.
Yeah I know, it's pretty simplistic in its function but I'd say it's rather aesthetically pleasing. Apparently the designer, John Pszeniczny, is planning on making it in a variety of different colours with coordinating gems. Not sure where to cop 'em yet, but be on the lookout...

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