
The Corner Prophet Knows...

This is kind of a sad attempt at getting some writing done @ work...The unfortunate part is that I'm at work ergo I can't get any creative juices flowing due to the constant distractions and it's blowing the shit out of me because I feel like writing...*sigh*...Anywho, since I'm reading 'The Corner', I'm heavily influenced by it...This book, in all honesty, is probably one of the greatest glimpses into urban street life I've ever read...Fuck a DonDiva or a F.E.D.S....This is an intelligent, gritty and grimy look into the dynamics of the corner...

I am a fiend feigning futile fortitude as my fascination with him forms fluid frequencies
Standing on this corner trying to score a packet of Amorous Attention© so I can relieve this itch
And the gangrene stench of a rotten heart growing largely more fond of something other than bitterness
Banishing my once broodingly braggadocious banter of bitterness from banishment of my benevolent being
Being bold and fastidiously falling for corner prophets...

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