
J.D. Salinger on love...

I'm currently reading a collection of short stories by J.D. Salinger entitled 'Nine Stories'...I've been really really into it and have developed a somewhat new found appreciation for his writing...So much so that I went and picked up my old high school detested text 'A Catcher in the Rye' and plan on reading that next...Anyway...This is an excerpt from the last short story 'Teddy' that caught my attention unexpectedly...I appreciate this viewpoint on why and how we love one another...Hopefully you can find some enjoyment in it too:

"I mean they don't seem able to love us just the way we are. They don't seem able to love us unless they can keep changing us a little bit. They love their reasons for loving us almost as much as they love us, and most of the time more."


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