
I will NOT hold my breath...

Ummm yeah, so I promised I'd share some excerpts of my book...So here's an excerpt of an excerpt since I'm not really sure I wanna share it in its' entirety...Let a bitch know what you think...Feedback is important to whether or not I publish, so I appreciate you reading...You are a beautiful soul...

June 17, 2008 - Tuesday

Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil...
Current mood: lonely
Category: Life

It is dark and nightfall is well into it's brewing stages as midnight approaches and draws me near to seek an accomplice to ameliorate all that the sun has taken away in his garden of darkness...As roses bloom and luminously lure me in I am somehow distracted by the mysterious nature of its' thorns...A beauty so deep and pure and true and yet dangerous and callous and ill-mannered...I prick my finger as if a connection to the pain and the love of beauty and art in roses in full bloom could bring me closer to the fruition of my figurative fantasies...where day and night bring smiles alike and thorns become more adored than rose petals...

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There it is...the inevitable sting of....
Current mood: played
Category: Life

a vicious mixture of salt and vinager poured into the open wound on my heart after I've been played like the strings of my violin...and the knife-edge of the distracted words of one whom is no longer interested in what you have to say or want is sharper than even my mind...and I'm afraid I can't even think of any brilliant words to say to make things change...I can't be anything different than a reflection of myself...I cannot breathe any differently, think any differently, talk any differently, do any differently, be any differently...and I will NOT hold my breath...as intense as my tension can be I am lighthearted and yet wholeheartedly in this...and I am speaking from perspectives of both lust and like and yet I do not like the thoughts rushing through when I'm lusting over you...A smile can so quickly be brought to my face as I disgrace myself by being an object again and yet turning it into the fairytale of my fantasies and dreams deferred as I loan my heart and my libido to you under other ulteriors...I am only able to hold an interest as long as the interest is accruing...and then...I am nothing...a distant memory...and yet something that is not so distant as a memory but in the forefront of those long forgotten...I can only be what I've managed to grow these years to be...and I can only wish that someone would pay attention...

Oh how I love the perspective of she who has been through many things...as I...but moreso she...and yet she is me and I am but a mere reflection of her own rememories...