
Self Portrait: Reflecting on my Reflection...

I've taken quite a few photos of myself lately, mostly as a study of myself...NOT in a narcissistic manner, but merely as a simple reflection of my reflection caught in photography (For instance, why do I rarely smile in photos?)...I know I've gotten a little carried away with the nighttime long exposures...But anyone who knows me knows that I am a child of the light...I chase it daily in my quest to fill my life with all that is incandescent...
Always gazing in amazement at the altruism of stars...
My mind is always fuzzy with far too many thoughts...
My eyes are laser beams...You should be careful around them...
Fake smiles are the great smiles...
Overexposed and sniffing lines of radiance...

I stop to smell flowers whenever they're around...
Sepia sometimes makes me solemn...
Distraction is so lovely when luminescence is in the distance...
All photos by Aja


Brad Piff said...

I see your serious about this blog thing. Good...

Your blog is "Beautifoully" done!

Anonymous said...

I need to be on the next journey w/ you chumps.


Aja said...

I PROMISE you Kinessssssss AND Pifffffff...Ya'll are on the next adventure...Like HELLA hard...